Thursday, August 31, 2017

Life Lessons, Live, Learn, Be Motivated: what i learned

1. if you can't do the little things right then you'll never be able to do the big things right.

2. if you wan't to change the world start of by making you bed. :skip: >>>>> . and if by chance you have a miserable day you will come home to a bed that is made, that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tommorow might be better.

3. During S.E.A.L training the instructors joyfully breif the students on all speciecs of sharks
they assure you however that no student has ever been eaten by a shark and by saying so that might make you feel a bit better

4. if a shark begins to circle your position do not swim away if the shark chargers at you punch summon up all your strength and punch it in the snout

5. in the cold cold mud at night still cold but with a feeling of some happiness you might feel a bit better

6. to be strong you don't need cool gadgets or being smart but its all aabout heart

7. the strong ones will not always win, if the weak one have a good idea intelligent, they  just might win

8. a alone day sad but you complete a task of the day giving you a small sense of pride that will encorage you to do another and another, then for that 1st task had helped do many others

9. there are many attackers in the world one stronger than the other that though will not always stop you from winning

10. do not mesure someone by there awsomeness but by there heart   

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Today I did Adaptedind Rounding like
round 55 It Turns To 60

What is 5 × (1 × 10)? 50 What is (5 × 1) × 10? 50

Today I did Dulingo French like
"merci beaucoup" means "thank you very much"

Today I did Adaptedmind Reading Like
the story is, A fat hen. A big rat. The fat hen is on the box. The rat ran from the box. Can the hen run?

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind Reading Spelling Like

See Rab! See Ann! See! Rab has the hat. Can Ann catch Rab?

Today I did Adaptedmind Math Multiplication Practice Like

9 × 8 = 72

Today I did Dulingo French Like
"Bienvenue" Means "welcome"

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind 0 × 0 = 0 with the exponent of 2

Today I did Adaptedmind Reading Like
A fat Hen, A big Rat, the fat Hen is on A box, the hen ran,

Today I dulingo French Like
"salut Luis" means "hi luis"

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind Multiplying By Six, Seven and Eight like
8 × 3 = 24
Today I did Adaptedmind Reading 2 Things Here you go 
Story 1 correcting Like the 
story is, is the cat on the mat
Story 2  Reading Spelling Like
The Story is The Man, a Pen, The Man Has A pen, is the pen in his hand?, the pen is in his hand
Today I did Dulingo French Like

"Salut et merci" means "bye and thanks"

Cyber se "school" ity

Today I did Syber Security As For My School
5 lessons For Cyber Security
here is One
if You get A email With A Suspicious Link be sure to hover your mouse over it to see If It leads To the real thing is says.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind Math And Reading Like
Math 1
Multiplying by 3 and 9 Like
 9 x 5 = 45
Reading 2
Spelling Like spelling word and type it in. Earn spelling stars
The Dog Ran

Today I did Dulingo French Like
"Bonjour, ça va ?" Means "Hello How is it going"

Friday, August 11, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind Multiplyng By 0 And 1 Like
what is 1 x 5 = 5

Today I did Dulingo French Like
"Elles écrivent" Means "they Are Writing"

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


 Today I did Adaptedmind : Multiplying By Two, Four, Five and Ten Like 

10 x 5 = 50

                                           Today I did Dulingo French Like
                    "Les livres sont rouges "means the book is red"


 Today I did Adaptedmind

Rounding and Estimation


Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the nearest ten.

79 - 59 = 20

Today I did Dulingo French Like
""Nous avons une pomme" means "We have an apple"

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind I was Able to 2 questions in 30 Minutes Here is one Like Subtarction Up To Ten Thousand
9000 - 3360 = 4540
Today I did Dulingo French Like
"Les robes sont rouges" Means "The dresses are red" undertale

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Today I did Adaptedmind Comparing Numbers Below Ten Thousand Like

1,612 < 9,270

Today I did Dulingo And What i Learned is
"Le Chat" Means "The Cat" 


Toady I did Dulingo? French For 5 minutes
my amount of corrects are 8/10
like Tu manges Means You are eating

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


  Today I did Adaptedmind Subtraction Review 

what is 600 - 200 = 400.

Today I did Duolingo 5 minute Like 
Le garçon Means the boy